Our family deeply appreciates your contribution to the Helen Hites Scholarship Fund. Your donation honors Helen and shows the humanity you possess. Each April, the recipients of this scholarship will be chosen and your can follow this event on the scholarship recipients site. We truly feel you have a vital part of the program.
Want to donate? Those wishing to donate can make a gift Online at UH Foundation Helen Hites Scholarship Fund
Donor Members: Endowment Funded by the Hites Family
Others Donors: Dana Brown | Don Merritt | Feora Candina | Felix Cruz | John Toillion |
Kendra Bolduc (Nourrie) | Dr. Laure Burke | Linh Hoan | Lori Hatfield | Ohana Tax Service | Richard Garcia | Robert S. Cope | Steven Montoya | Son Yong Woo | Sue Zane Williams | Sylvana Sam |Tankia J. Woods|