Sunrise - April 19, 1980 | Sunset - March 3, 2013
Helen Hites was a single mother who graduated as valedictorian with an Associate of Arts Degree from University of Hawaii, Kapi‘olani Community College in 2012. Helen leaves behind 5-year-old son, Phoenix. She did everything in her power to advance this boy's education. He serves as a lasting memorial to her efforts. Helen engaged in community service to include "The Hawaii Meth Project", "Bone Marrow Drives", "Toys for Tots" and Helen was an active member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Helen was recognized for her academic excellence and personal integrity. Helen was the president of the Phi Theta Kappa chapter, was selected to Who’s Who Among Students in American universities and colleges, participated in the Queen's Medical Center's 2010 summer student volunteer program, received two Presidents Volunteer Service Awards and was a Kapi‘olani scholar. She was also in her second year of the nursing program at the University of Hawaii.
Helen was a lifetime member of the church community. She attended and taught Sunday school to young children. She attended churches all over the world but her favorite was the Hickam Air Force Chapel, Hawaii.
She was an avid donor and supporter to Project Smile and other charities that benefitted children. She gave countless hours to improving people's lives and her goal everyday was to put a smile on somebody's face.
This scholarship fund supports students who exemplify the qualities of Helen Hites: outstanding character, motivation, and determination to complete a college degree.
Each year, the "Helen Hites Endowed Scholarship for Student Success" is to assist students who are Phi Theta Kappa members working towards a degree at Kapi‘olani Community College, who possess motivation to succeed. Funds shall be used for costs associated with attendance (e.g., tuition, books, fees, etc.). See more on eligibility of criteria.